Monday, June 20, 2011

3 Major Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

3 Major Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Many people have high blood pressure and are not aware of it, for this reason it is important to know common symptoms and risk factors. Regardless of whether you show symptoms or not, it is wise to have your blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Many people neglect this simple check until they have a serious problem on their hands. If you have hypertension these are some possible symptoms you may experience.

Unfortunately experts can't agree what high blood pressure is. Numbers that represent systolic pressure and diastolic pressure are measured to come up with blood pressure. There is often disagreement about numbers that are lower than 140/90, it is commonly believed that anything over that is hypertension. Until recently 130/85 blood pressure reading would be considered normal. Now a reading of 120/80 or below is normal and many experts would call the previous reading as prehypertension. Be sure, however, that if your blood pressure readings go over 120/80 you should monitor your diet and exercise habits with the help of your doctor.

Finding Causes of High Blood Pressure And Treating Them

Finding Causes of High Blood Pressure 

And Treating Them

While we can identify a variety of factors that cause high blood pressure it's more important to catch and treat as quickly as possible in order to avoid any serious side effects. There are a lot of ways to have your blood pressure checked including purchasing a kit to do at home. Every individual is different and may present with different symptoms, we will discuss some of the most common ones here.

A leading cause of high blood pressure is being obese or overweight. There has been a sharp rise in cases of high blood pressure in developed countries as a result of obesity. High blood pressure for an overweight person can be a warning sign to other health problems too. One way to reduce risk is to start an exercise regimen and change your diet.

Thursday, June 2, 2011



Diosin adalah makanan kesehatan yang terbuat dari tanaman Dioscorea, suatu formula unik dan lebih dari sekedar vitamin atau food supplement yang berkualitas istimewa untuk memicu tersedianya DHEA tubuh. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) adalah bahan baku hormon-hormon seperti androgen testoterone, progesteron, estrogen, dan belasan hormon penting lainnya sehingga DHEA dikenal sebagai “Induk Hormon”. Tingkat produksi DHEA mencapai puncak pada usia 25 tahun sekitar 30 mg/ hari, dan dengan semakin bertambahnya usia tingkat DHEA tubuh mengalami penurunan hingga di bawah 5 mg/ hari pada usia 75 tahun. 

Penurunan DHEA tubuh berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya berbagai penyakit yang berhubungan dengan penuaan seperti jantung, rapuh tulang, kencing manis, berkurangnya daya ingat, kepikunan. DHEA juga bermanfaat membantu mengatur keseimbangan berat badan, meningkatkan massa otot, mengatasi stress dan depresi, pencegahan kanker, kerusakan sistem syaraf pusat.



Microhydrin merupakan antioksidan yang paling kuat dan terbaik dengan sifat khasnya yang tidak membentuk radikal baru, Microhydrin selain sebagai antioksidan juga memiliki berbagai sifat yang memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan melalui perannya sebagai penambah energi, optimalisator daerah biologis, optimal;isator transpornutrien dan fasilitator eliminasi toksin.

Microhydrin terbuat dari mineral yang sangat aman dan langsung melepaskan ion hydrogen seperti terkandung dalam buah-buahan dan sayur segar dalam jumlah yang lebih besar, ion hydrogen ini diperlukan oleh sel-sel dalam tubuh kita untuk berfungsi secara optimal.

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